The "Kanarcheata" from the High School "St. Kliment Ohridski" won the 7th grade school championship

The team of St. Kliment Ohridski High School won the school championship for children from 5 to 7 grade. The finals were played in Etropole and the team of "yellow and black" was composed entirely of football players from the Botev school, who are studying at the Plovdiv school. In the group stage, the men led by Marco Dafchev and Mrs. Galina Zdravcheva achieved two victories - 1: 0 over the hosts from Etropole and 6: 0 over the Sofia representative. In the final meeting the "yellow and black" defeated with 6: 0 teams from Varna, which was built by Black Sea footballers. With a hat-trick in the door of the Varnaians Stanislav Shopov, two goals scored Daniel Ivanov, and one shot scored Ivan Aramazov.

The Little Canaries from Botev (Pd) and the children from the Secondary School "St. Kliment Ohridski "are the winners from Plovdiv in" Danniada "2016. The teams of Botev (Pd) and High School "St. Kliment Ohridski ". (Pd) are the winners of the matches from "Danoniada" - Plovdiv, which took place on May 14 at the city stadium under the hills.
The 2004 small pots won the final of the Beroe (St. Zagora) with a 1-0 draw and a 7: 0 goal difference in 4 games. In 2015 the children of Botev scored one of the best rankings of a Bulgarian team at the Danone International Cup, where they took 10th place after winning over Brazil. The other finalist in the area is the team of the Plovdiv High School "St. Kliment Ohridski ". In their last match, they overcame Arda -1924 with 1: 0 and a total goal difference of 9: 0 in 4 games. Children from the school of "St. Kliment Ohridski "were winners in the area in 2011. The two teams were congratulated by Botev's legendary midfielder Petar Zehtinski. The next matches of "Danoniada" 2016 are in Sofia on May 20th. The meetings are open to the public and will take place at the Rakovski stadium. The deadline for accepting team applications is one day before matches in the area.

Children from the Botev School won the school championship until the 7th grade
The children from the Botev school, who are studying at the St. Kliment Ohridski High School, won the school championship in the town. The Kanarcheta won the first place in the league to 7th grade and thus qualified for the regional finals. In the final, the boys from March 2002 and 2003, led by Marco Dafchev and Mrs. Zdravcheva, defeated their peers from the Chernorizets Hrabar High School with 4: 0. It is a curious fact that most of the boys from the school of Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) are studying at this school, and on the terrain of the Plovdiv stadium there is a peculiar urban derby between "black-black" and "black and white". Two goals for the victory were Daniel Ivanov, and Stanislav Shopov and Peter Itov added one shot. Last year Botevists from "St. Kliment Ohridski" High School again finished as a city champion to 7th grade, and in the final, similar to this season, won the Chernorizets Hrabar High School. Then the match ended 3: 0, with two goals scored by Christian Dobrev and the third was the work of Dimitar Tonev.
High School "Kliment Ohridski" with second place in the school championship for 2001.
